Red Velvet Ice Cream Cake and Yeri

22:46 kelvin 0 Comments

Lalalalalalalalala~ Oh Vanilla choco honey with a cherry on top~

Seriously, after Red Velvet released their new music video, "Ice Cream Cake", on YouTube. I've been addicted to it. I hummed it on my car, inside office, when I am bored. It just can't stop.

For the song "Automatic", yes it is classic, and smooth. But I will listen to it only when I am prepare to go to sleeping. I need to stress that, Red Velvet vocal members such as Wendy 

& Seulgi

Did not show out their vocal so much in Ice Cream Cake though.

Like even the main vocal have only four solo lines throughout the song. And the entire time is all members singing together. But the good news is Irene and Joy can shine out their rapping talents, (bias to rappers!)  even though in their debut song "Happiness", it shows how decent are their rapping skill already. But this time, I think they got the limelight of the song.

And for the new member, Yeri, I browsed through comment section of YouTube, apparently many people thinking she has no contribute to the group, no position in the group or still not prepare to debut as well. To me, it seems that every time when a group regardless of male or female, it is confirmed that there will be controversy about it.

Crazy fans or netizens will stated that the group is already perfect! Why the hell the company would want to add a new member to it? This new member will steal the spotlight of the original members! And other reasons as well.

At first, I had mixed feelings towards Yeri too. I prefer Joy as the maknae, I want the original four members get the spotlight as they deserve (no need to share a part of verse to new member). On the radio show video published on YouTube, I hardly can listen to her voice too. (Even on her solo line)

But after some time I thought, hey people, give time to this new girl okay? She is only 16 years old, I mean what are you doing when you are 16 years old? Laying on your bed, study for school and enjoy social life, right? Because I am like that too. But Yeri she already has an occupation, receive recognition from world and begin to earn income as well. We should give her some time to show her vocal, rapping or even dancing skill.

Besides that, she also gone through a lot of training before debut too. I mean if you are a KPOP fan you should being a trainee is not easy, they need to go through a lot of tests and nailed them. If they fail, maybe they will face the fate of being eliminate or delay for the debut. And to think SM Entertainment training should be super strict and hard, as it is one of the biggest entertainment company in Korea. SM Entertainment write in the description box which stated that Yeri is capable of vocal, rapping and dancing which definitely is a strong asset to the group in the video which introduce Yeri as the new member of Red Velvet on YouTube.

Maybe you can't see the contribute or potential of Yeri during their performance, but Joy had mentioned that the Yeri has brighten up the group even since she joined. At least, they feel Yeri is a good addition to the group! Plus, she is so cute when smiling, how can you hate her?


Japanese Doll 育成日本人形 Gaming Experience

20:04 kelvin 1 Comments

This post is about the new game that I introduced in my previous blog post. If you haven't seen it yet (which obviously you should), click here to read it first for a better understanding what this game about.

So I decided to download and try out this game to release stress, scolding people that I hate. Overall, this game is definitely below my expectation. It doesn't scared me that much, the background music aren't spooky enough, however the graphic is nice though.

Is it entertaining? To me, it is just average, probably will feel bored after a few days but will keeping it till the end since it warned me to finish the game in the first place.

This is the early form of the doll that you will receive. Basically just a piece of small wood doll without facial feature, hands, legs and cloth.

This is the current form of my doll, big eyes, creepy smiling, no hair, really flat nose wearing blue kimono hearing my complaints. In order to help it grow, you need to collect candles by simply clicking the bottom right button and feed it.

In this screen, you just need to swipe your finger all over the candles to collect it, the candles will reappear after few seconds.

Wow, why my doll become a fox spirit? This is because throughout the game, your doll will randomly change their appearance for a second. 
See that button under the back icon? It is actually a "play" button that allow you play with the doll.

How do you play with the doll? Just use your fingers quickly rubbing the doll and the gauge above will be increase. It takes time to fill up the gauge but the reward is divide! After finish up filling the gauge, the doll will repay your, I don't know, time for playing with it? And allow you collect high amount of candles.

In my previous post, I mentioned that the doll will try to create supernatural phenomena and scare you. So this is what it looks like, for a moment it was disappeared, when you start asking "where is that doll? I haven't finish my bitching yet?!" Then the next moment, BOOM, big eyes staring at you as if it trying to say, "STFU!"

In this case, just press the pray button!

I only try out this game since yesterday, and I just feel it is average. But the concept is good and creative. Go try it out if you are too free!

P/S: At first, I want to publish screen record to show you the game play but the app in the Google Play failed me so much. Seriously, there is yet a screen recorder app that can does it job well. 


Japanese Doll(育成日本人形) App

00:19 kelvin 0 Comments

Knowing that I got a lot of views from foreign country compare to Malaysia, I decided to introducing the new scary, creepy and spooky game that gain the attention by those surrounding me recently in case you are unaware of it.

Just like the name suggested, it is a game that allow user to take care of a Japanese doll from a piece of wood until it grow up into a little Japanese doll.

Update: I just published my gaming experience of this game yesterday, do check it out by click here!

So you may think, "What? It just like the other pet game like Pou." You may be right, but there is a main feature in this game that stand out and attract the attention.

To avoid my blog's home will be too scary from uploading overload of gaming picture and scare away any visitor, I decided choose and upload only one picture from this game.

So what about this game that so special?
In the beginning, this game will warn the player not to uninstall this game until it is finish. 

After that, the game will start. First, it will stated that the doll recognized us, the players, as her parents, and promised to stay together forever.

So basically, we just collect candles and feed it to the doll to help it grow up!
Sound boring? Yeah, I think so too.

Hence, the producer decided to add a little element in it. Throughout the game, the doll will conduct some supernatural phenomena such as the doll dropping down from roof, dash toward to players, become a doomed red kimono bloody doll, holding a blade attempt to hurt user and so on.
It will change its appearance and conduct any scary act. 

Whenever this happened, you need to press the pray button in order to survive and record the phenomena.

I haven't start playing this game, even though I feel attracted to it since I find it through a link from Facebook. Can't deny it, this seem to be a good stress relieve game to me. (maybe you too, huh?) 

Why? Because when I playing this game I can use it to scold or cursing other people as well. I can practically keep scolding or cursing people while I feeding or pretend talking to the doll.

It maybe sound illogical/ dumb for you, but hey, who doesn't have stress and people that irritate us. I can talking to the doll like, "Dear doll, I fucking hate that bitch, XXXXX, because she is so freaking fake, annoying, acting to be kind, sweet and innocent, and literally making my life terrible now, you agree right?"

Why I can't complaint all my thoughts to other pet game like Pou? Because literally Pou always smile to me whenever i complaint to it, I hope the listener could made a serious, sympathy, or even the "Yeah, she is a bitch/ he is a jerk" kind of face.

So that why this doll's expression hit the spot and always made the "Yeah, she is a bitch/ he is a jerk" kind of face which seem like support whatever I say. And I enjoy the feeling when everybody agree what I say.

Anyway, this game is kind of interesting to try if you brave enough or is an adventurous person. You can search more information through Appstore or GooglePlay.

Update: You can click this link to access this game from Google Play

Thanks for reading,
See you soon.