Exfoliate: Etude House Moistfull Collagen Peeling Wash Review

18:00 kelvin 0 Comments

When it comes to exfoliate, what will you choose? Facial scrub, peeling gel or some exfoliating facial mask?

Since our skin renew every 28 days, each time the old skin cell will be push up to the top layer of skin and replaced by the new and healthy skin cells.

So we need to get rid of it by exfoliating, or else it could lead to serious clogged pores, more acne, make up will cake up easily and flaky skin showed.

I used to use the facial scrub because I can feel all the fine grain massage all over my face.

However you should be careful when using scrub, when you rub too hard it may leave an invisible scar on you face.

I still haven't got the chance of using mask pack that has exfoliate features, such as Skin Food Black Sugar Mask because I do not have the money. (#firstworldproblem)

However after some years I exposed to the peeling gel which you can easily get rid of those dead skin cell, dust and dirt on your skin by rubbing the dead skin cell off directly and effortlessly.

It is easy and fun, I always like to view the dead skin cell that comes off my skin, and thought how did this grey skin stayed on my face without noticed it.

While I randomly scrolled through Etude House again, I saw this Moistfull Collagen Peeling Wash. And I must have it!

Now the packaging is nothing special, just a tube with the famous orange/coral color that the Collagen line has.

If you have been to Etude House store, you will surely see this color, since this is one of their best selling line and product that they have been promoting all the entire time.

Love the color!

The texture is unlike most of the peeling wash I have encountered so far, most of them are like clear gel texture, but this thing, my friend let me tell you it has a relatively rough gel texture.

When you spread it out, you can see the little jelly particles inside it. I think these jelly particles are the replacement for fine sugar grain which is more gentle to our skin.

The scent is similar to all the Moistfull Collagen line which is so good, so nice, so lovely. I just love the smell so much.

Just spread all over your face and massage for couple minutes and you are done.

One thing that I don't get it is that I can't seem to find the old skin cell that peeled off from my face, after cleansing and massage I can only see the tiny jelly particles.

So I really doubt whether this peeling wash does peel off all the impurities or not.

Undeniable my face do feel super smooth after using this, kinda like the Ginvera marvelwhite gel that I used before.

One good thing is that it provide and retain sufficient moisture even after all the cleansing and massage process. It is the Moistfull Line after all.

In conclusion, if you want an exfoliate product that does not suck up too much moisture from your skin, you should give this peeling wash a chance.


Innisfree Long Wear Cushion 31&33 Shades Swatches

17:02 kelvin 3 Comments

Do you have a healthy tanned skin? Do you like the Korean Beauty products such as cushion? Do you hate the limited shades that they offered to the pale tone only?

Fear not my friend, it seems that Innisfree know all our concern and decided to launched the new shades for tanned skin tone people.

This is a great move from Innisfree as they normally carry the relatively light tone shades for people with pale skin. I hope that all other brand can follow the footstep of Innisfree and offered a large range of shades as well.

They also launched another shades which is for pale tone, shade 11 aka ivory. Whoever can use this shades, man I envy you so much, like seriously.

This new version cushion also added a new feature which is pore blur effect which you know cover up you pores and reduce the appearance of it.

Today I borrowed the cushions from my friend so that I can show you the swatches of these shades.

I am going to show you swatches in this post, no review. Beware my swatches game is not strong.

Can I raved about the puff first. Don't you think it is a good applicator? Smooth and even, it does all that. Even Michelle Phan mentioned in one of her videos saying that she used the puff more than the product sometimes.

Pony also used the puff to blend her foundation and concealer as well.

First one is shade 31 aka sand beige. This shades has yellow undertone in it. It remind me of caramel though.

Next one is shade 33 aka deep beige. This shades has a gorgeous brownish color in it. It still has yellow undertone. This shades can made you look like you have a perfect chocolate skin tone, which is pretty in my opinion.It made you look very sporty and sunny.

To show you how dark the shades are, I am going to compared it with the darkest shade from Etude House Precious Mineral Any Cushion.

See the differences now? Although Etude House cushion is for warm tone but it does not have the strong yellow undertone in it.

That all for this post. Thanks for reading.
Everything is rosy. 


How to get Diploma certificate without resit or retake

16:57 kelvin 0 Comments

As the title suggested, I am going to share my experiences and tips on how to survive Diploma without getting resit or retake once.

Not going to say I am an intelligent student and all, heck I am not even a book prize student. However, I did managed to get my certificate on my hand safety without paying extra money to the college. They are not going to get extra buck from me!

In case, you are new to this college terms and jargon, which you don't know what is retake or resit:

Retake - when you failed the coursework, or getting barred from attend final exam because you skipped classes too many times. Student is required to take the course from the beginning again and study with junior in the next semester or next year.

Resit - pretty simple, if student failed his/her final exam, they are require to sit the final exam again in the next semester or whenever resit is available.

FYI, both of these required money.

Please remember this is for those who study in college in Malaysia, I don't know about the college from other country though.

And this is for Diploma only, Degree is a different level compared to Diploma which is more difficult and tricky.

Let's get going!

1. Focus on your coursework more than final exam.

This may sound stupid to you as you may think both of them are important how could you say that? Well listen to me first.

At first, coursework should be 100%. After that it will be convert into certain amount of percentage.

The percentage of coursework is vary depends on the course, some course may consists of 40% and other may be 60%. So the other part of percentage comes from final exam.

Just like in high school, these coursework help us pass our exam easily.

First of all, if you can't even passed your coursework, you are not obligated to attend final exam. Meaning retake is the only option.

So focus on your coursework, meaning score your assignment.

Assignment is time consuming and tricky when you take 6 different subjects on a single semester. Pressure will get to you by that time.

But we can made it. When it comes to assignment, try to get as many help from tutor as possible.

  1. Get their feedback on your current progress or ideas. 
  2. Ask them whether you and your team are on the right track. 
  3. Having them to revise your assignment before final submission for improvement if possible.

Don't be shy, booked their consultation hour and ask anything that confuse you. We pay for tuition fees, we have the right to ask for their consultation. Remember that.

2.Study for your midterm.

Some of the students do not take the midterm seriously because it consists of small amount of percentage and student might be crazily prepared for other assignments. However, midterm is a lot easier that final exam.

You only need to study 7 chapters instead of 14 chapters compared to final exam. Other than that, you can also asked for the tips or focus areas from your tutor as well.

You can't even get those from your tutor for final exam.

The reason that I always study for midterm is because it made my revision for final exam so much better.

You will regain all your memories when you revise the early chapters and it made all memorize them easily.

Besides that, this little score might save me from the edge of fail. Think of it as some sort of insurance.

3. Know what is the potential question in each chapter. 

The course that I took is Public Relations, so I do not about other courses. However for me, I can identify potential questions from the notes.

Diploma questions tend to be more direct and straightforward, so you can study certain points in the notes.

Look for the key words such as

  • feature/ function 
  • characteristics 
  • outcome/ effect
  • principles 
  • steps/ procedure/ progress
  • types
  • guidelines and etc.

Just memorize these points in each chapters could save so much time from reading stuff that will never appear on final exam.

Don't trust the tips or focus areas too much when it comes to final exam. One interesting point for college is that, even tutor/ lecturers don't know what question will be out until the very last moment.

Why? Because each lecturer/ tutor will be set one question for the exam, however the examination department choose the question randomly. Like some sort of lucky draw so even lecturer/tutor do not whether they questions got picked or not.

So better don't trust it too much. At least that's how it works in my college.

4. Keep it cool with friends.

After all, college is an awesome experience for socializing. This is the time for you to make friends that come from other places and with different personality traits.

Different from high school, you get your class scheduled randomly. It might start at 9am to 11am, then having rest from 11am to 2pm, then having class again.

What are you going to use that time for? Study? Nah, you probably do not what is your next chapter in the coming lecture, so we can't prepare upfront.

Best to use this time spend with your friends, duh. Social, communicate with them.

Why is it important? Because you need them in group assignment. Group assignment is pretty common in college, where else high school is full with individual folio.

Maintain a good relationships with them, build a great teamwork, knowing each other characteristics and their specialty. These can actually important when you carry out the assignment.

Assign suitable roles and tasks to each of them so that they can achieve their fullest potential. The same goes with us. Ask your friends which role and task suit you the best, and do your best.

As a result, your assignment should have remarkable score.

And that's is briefly how I survive my Diploma times. It is tough but definitely fun, Unless you are going to further your study, this might be the last chance you get to enjoy student life.

You got to missing that life after you work in society. Some of my friends tell me how they missed the time spending in the college for 12 hours just to finish a single assignment.

Thanks for reading, Everything is rosy.


Teaser: Innisfree Long Wear Cushion new 31&33 shade swatches? Peeling wash review?

15:10 kelvin 0 Comments

New Innisfree Long Wear Cushion shades that suitable for tan skin! No more worry about finding the right shades for your healthy skin tones with limited pale shades!

Exfoliate is super important, check out my new peeling wash to see whether it does what it claims or not!


Etude House Pearl Aura Brightening Essence Review

15:31 kelvin 0 Comments

Don't you just love how your face are so radiant and brighten everything time you finish your skincare routine? So am I!

Our skin look the best whenever it has absorb sufficient moisture and nutrition from all the goodies.

The Etude House Pearl Aura Brightening Essence definitely bring the game on the next level. Just one product is enough to pamper your skin?

Check it out.

"This is a brightening essence that contains Tahiti black pearl extract based fine aurora particles that enhance the skin's natural transparent glow, brightening up dull areas for the effect of just awakened, fresh skin."

"With sufficient moisture and skin-friendly properties this essence absorbs quickly without the use if cotton pads, hugging the skin with its smooth texture for a healthy glow skin."

"Dispense a certain amount onto palms hands, spreading from inner to outer areas of face, lightly patting to absorbs remaining contents." 

  • Inside the bottle has "Aura Particle" that is so fine that my DSLR cannot capture at all. But it is shimmer that make your face reflect the sunlight so that your face look so bright.

  • Other than that, it also has deep clean ocean water that contains natural moisture ingredients that help us to achieve clear and transparent skin!

Look at the packaging please. It is so elegant and so classy. How could you resist this? 

The bottle is in silver color but some hints of purple color will be reflected under the sunlight. Gorgeous, seriously gorgeous. Have more of this design, please.

OK, the reason I bought this product is mostly influenced by the packaging. And the Etude House Malaysia website has been recommend this product for some times, so I thought why not?

Besides that, it got pump applicator. Anything with pump is a good thing for me.

Easy to get the essence out, clean and hygiene.

It is light as water and runny as well. Apply smoothly without any problem.

Did you see the glow on my hand! That what I want my skin to have everyday. It makes the skin look healthier and fresh.

It scent though, smells like light perfume but very soothing. I enjoy it a lot.

Overall, it is a decent product not too bad not too good. Why do I say so? 

I have used this essence for half year now (or maybe more), but the problem that it has is that the brightening effect does not last long. About 3 hours? Then my skin look dull again.

It does help to moisture as well, this is great when you need those light sufficient moisture when you are rush to work or school. 

But I don't have any transparent or clear skin as it promised in long term. This is one of the product that you need to apply everyday to achieve that clear skin. 

No break out from using this product so that's good.

I would recommend this product to oily skin as well. It is so light and absorb quickly that your skin won't feel sticky or oily.

Actually I really like all the dewy look which the face is healthy and glowing. However! The big pores I have made me not to enjoy it!

It makes the pores more noticeable and like attract other people attention over to the ugly pores rather than your glowing face.

So the not-so-exaggerate glow that this essence provide is a good alternative for someone like me, who like dewy skin but unable to do it because of the enlarged pores. 

Interesting product, but I noticed the box has written"Whitening Efficiency" on it. Sadly, it should be brightening efficiency if I am correct. Nope, this essence does not has any whitening effects.

The review ends here. Thanks for reading.


Etude House Wonder Pore Balancing Cream Review

15:54 kelvin 0 Comments

Not too long ago I published my review on the Wonder Pore Clearing emulsion and tightening essence, so today I am going to review the another new addition to the line, Balancing Cream.

Even though in Malaysia, I normally do not apply cream on day time since it is humid and hot. Apply heavy or intense moisture cream could made our face look greasy quickly under scorching sun.

However we should apply cream at night in order to retain moisture while we are sleeping especially in air conditioner room.

"This is a pore moisture cream containing peppermint extract with a formula that evens out the pore's oil and moisture balance for smooth pores"

"After applying Wonder Pore Clearing Emulsion, dispense a certain amount and spread gently onto face"

Let's talk about the PACKAGING, it has a sturdy plastic body in slight dark blue and a silver cap. Open the cap, you'll see another small cap act as a separator to prevent dust falling into the cream and preserve the hygiene.

For those who concern with the cleanliness/ appearance of the product could get so frustrated in this cream. The cap can easily get fingerprint all over. It was so cool at first but now it just become so dirty with printed print on it.

So I never bother to clean it.

The cream comes with a spatula as well.

The SCENT is similar to the other products in this series as well, a faint fresh fragrance that is not too overwhelming.

The cream is in GEL TEXTURE (similar with Baobab moist cream)which can apply smoothly on our skin. The consistency is quite thick as well, like a gel mask.

It takes a while to absorb completely hence I do not apply on daytime. Although it is rich in moisture however it does not feel sticky or oily upon application.

Even though it is not sticky or oily, however I just don't like to apply cream in daytime. Just emulsion would be enough.

Supposedly this cream not only provide you moisture but also help to maintain the oil balance as well. Moisture and oil need to be balanced so that the skin will not be dehydrate or too oily.

OVERALL I like this cream, it does a good job at moisturizing as you can see from the pic above, I mean look at how moisture it is!

Just apply a thin layer before you sleep definitely help you to have a soft face next morning.

About oil balancing? Sorry I could not tell you because I use it as night cream so I could not experience how it control the balance.

What can I tell you about is that most of the Etude House cream products come in small sizes. For this cream, even I used it once a day but I almost used up more than half of it for one month.

So it is quite expensive for its size in Malaysia.


Etude House Wonder Pore Tightening Essence Review

22:24 kelvin 3 Comments

I'm the Wonder Woman for Your Pores, More Powerful!

Today we are going to look at this Tightening Essence from the Wonder Pore series, to see whether it does what it claim to "tighten" our pores or not.

"This is a pore essence that tightens pores for smooth and firm pores. After applying emulsion, dispense a certain a certain amount and spread gently onto face."

"After applying Wonder Pore Freshner, dispense a certain amount and spread gently onto face."

I do not whether you aware or not, but there is a contradict between the description and direction.

Description tells us to apply after emulsion, but direction tells apply after toner.

For me, just apply after toner, since it is a regular skin care sequence.

This essence is launched after Etude House change their formula of the highly raved Wonder Pore Freshner by adding Mint Vinegar and Anti Pore-Dex Complex to achieve 10 in 1 effect as an improvement of 7 in 1 before.

Along with this essence, there are also facial foam, moisture cream and emulsion launched together as well.

Compared to others, this is the right product if you want to reduce the size of pores. Other products focus mainly on moisture.

PACKAGING wise, very similar to the Wonder Pore Clearing Emulsion. Nothing special, just smaller in size. 

It has a pump dispenser which I really like, since it is more hygiene and convenient compare to those squeeze type or bottle type where you know you need to hold it upside down to get the product out. 

So the SCENT, similar to the Wonder Pore Clearing Emulsion again. Very fresh and not overwhelming as well. 

Regarding to the TEXTURE, it is a gel type essence. It apply smoothly and easily too. Suitable for oily type. 

It is semi transparent, the moment when you applied the essence it maybe kind of heavy however it absorb pretty fast so do not worry about it too much.

I have been using this essence for almost one month now, does it "tighten" up my pores?

Sadly to say, it did not happened to me. My PORES SIZE are still remain the same. Maybe I need to try for another month to see the effect?

As you know once the pores are enlarged, it is very difficult for it to return to its original size. A stubborn headache indeed. 

What is more worst is that, Malaysia is a hot and humid country. Hence, our face will start to produce sebum and sweat right after we leave our house. 

Even you want it or not, you are bound to face this problem here. Unless you stay in indoor ever since you are born.

But it does provide MOISTURE for me, not those intense moisture but maybe adequate enough for oily skin. 

Overall I would not encourage to those who wish to have a miracle happens quickly. I do think this essence need to take a long time to show effect. Remember pore is not an easy issue to fix anyway.

The review ends here. 

Sorry for lack of update in this blog. I just finish my final exam on Friday. That why I neglect this place so much. 

So now I will be free for about 1 month and maybe I can focus on this blog again. Stay tuned to my blog please. 


Emulsion for oily skin! Etude House Wonder Pore Clearing Emulsion Review

16:36 kelvin 0 Comments

Etude House Wonder Pore Clearing Emulsion Review

"I'm the Wonder Woman for Your Pores, More Powerful!"

Last month I spotted the new line of Wonder Pore appeared in the outlet, and I thought "I should try the whole line." And so I purchased the whole new collection except for their facial cleanser.

Anyway since this month the Buy 1 Free 1 promotion is still ongoing, so I thought I can review the products to give you an idea whether you want it or not.

This time is the Wonder Pore Clearing Emulsion.

"This is a pore emulsion that organizes pores with its fresh texture and light finish."

"After applying Wonder Pore Tightening Essence, dispense a certain amount and spread gently onto face."

I had huge issues for my pores, they are huge, big and noticeable since I "had" oily skin (turning to dry skin now). So I hoped that this Wonder Pore could help me.

The new Wonder Pore has 10 in 1 function instead of 7 in 1 function compared to the old products.

-Deep cleanse pores
-Minimize appearance of pores
-Control a large amount of sebum
-Moisturize inside and outside of skin
-Complete smooth glass-like texture
-Balance skin's ideal pH level
-Refine skin tone
-Keep the elasticity of pores
-Remove skin surface's dead skin cells
-Cleanse pores with cooling effects

This is a emulsion with a pump which I preferred that those that need to shake or squeeze. This is more convenient and hygiene.

Normally four pumps would be enough for me.

Packaging wise, it has the same minty blue that appeared on all Wonder Pore products. Nothing too extraordinary.

The scent thought, it has a fresh scent which is not the powdery or flowery scent we got in most skin care products. It is not overwhelming as well, the scent disappeared after applied.

For texture, it is really lightweight and watery (runny). At first, when I applied on my face, it was oily. But after few seconds of rubbing in circular motion, it absorb quickly without the feeling of greasy and sticky. Perfect for oily skin.

After fully adsorbed, the skin become very smooth as well.

However I am disappoint at its moisture function. Since this is suitable for those oily to very oily skin, it does not provide intense moisture but provide sufficient moisture that prevent clogging the pores.

When I went into to classroom, my face will be become slight dry and feel stretching after 15 minutes which proves it moisture is not enough for me.

This is not for dry to normal skin but ideal for oily to very oily skin, in my opinion.

This emulsion is purely for moisture and does not help with the tightening pores or reduce pore sizes.


Penang Gerogetown Toys Cafe

14:54 kelvin 0 Comments

In the busy road of Penang, there was a theme cafe that can triggers the playful side hidden deep inside the heart.

Hey everyone! Not long ago I went to Toys cafe located at Lebuh Street for my assignment that required us to shoot a corporate video. Although cafe isn't a corporate however by that time all corporate companies were busy for Hari Raya Sales hence we choose this alternative option.

I would never want to go inside heritage area for lunch or dinner, because parking lots are a major issue there, if you are really lucky then you can find a parking space but you are not, then you would have to keep waiting for miracle.

But this is for my assignment so I have no way but to go.

Once you enter the place, you will be bombarded by impressive numbers of collection that the owner collected. No kidding.

If I can collect the same amount of skincare product, if would be a dream.

Anyway, from these toys you can noticed some familiar faces such as doraemon, Superman and Batman. Some of these characters accompany me to grow up! It certainly let you reminiscence your childhood.

At the second floor, there will be less toys however it provides larger space and the owner even prepare some comic that allow customers to enjoy as well.

Besides toy figures, the shop also filled with wall arts as decoration. Not sure if the owner drew all this but they are beautifully draw! Omg, every details have been drawn inside as well. Like it.

So, other than comfortable environment, a cup of nice coffee is the soul of a successful cafe.

It was pretty isn't it? This was the owner idea to create anime characters as the coffee art for the coffee. Gotta praise for his creativity.

What I showed above was a latte. I am not a coffee person so this didn't leave a big impression on me. It was creamy, the aroma had a classic touch, but I have to add in two packets of sugar to add in some sweetness. If not it was too plain for me.

These was the cake that my friends ordered that day. Each plates has a different characters on the plate. Again, praise for the good drawing.

The one that I personally like was the cheesecake in the middle. Cheesecake is my favorite cake so when it comes to cheesecake I will be very picky.

However this cheesecake is so delicious. The creamy texture along with the appropriate sweetness from the blueberry flavor. The surface is so smooth and the inner is so soft. Although it still lose to secret recipe but it was still delicious.

So that all for my trip to Toys cafe, we started shooting from 6pm until 8 or 9pm. Shooting is never an easy job. I just want to share my experience to you all.

Till next time.